Choosing Awareness

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The Waters of Yes are all about awareness, a listening and a speaking, when something inside, like a sprouting seed, is thrilled into choosing. The sun’s warmth beckons the promise of this choice, reaching deep into the soil with roots, and simultaneously, pushing upward to meet the daylight of manifesting “yes!”

The choice, these choices, are as varied as the day. And this awareness is not selective or biased towards one choice or another. They do however inhabit the realm of life-affirming. And this awareness, well, it is a presence, vast…like the atmosphere.

My invitation, to myself, and in relationship, is to listen to these whispers that drift quietly on the surface of these waters of yes, and welcome them into an exploration, a child-like play of the heart, and feel into the joy and expansiveness of what’s possible with these choices.

This could mean I take a walk. It could mean I make a pot of tea, or bake a batch of cookies, or weed the garden, or gently walk over and touch your hair and bend down to meet your lips. It could mean making that phone call on my to do list from yesterday, or completing that task on my spreadsheet or starting a new project, or ending one.

This blog is both an experiential journal entry about navigating these waters of yes and an invitation to court your own compass around deepening awareness…and discovering why we choose and what we choose…in our lives.

Today, my simple declaration is choosing awareness. What that looks like is reflected in this image…